A Dawg Blawg?

Many of my Doodledawg followers had questions about dog related things like what toys I would recommend, grooming, finding a good vet, house training, etc. This will be an informational blog to share some of my insights from my years as a breeder and trainer. I would welcome any comments as to what you might like to see addressed in my blog.

Since I am just starting the blog, I will post a silly picture of an autistic kid (me) with my first dog. I am wording it this way because April is Autism Awareness month. Some of my Facebook friends may not have been previously aware that I have autism. Many people with autism are very good with animals and have an almost intuitive sense with animals. I have always had that closeness with dogs, almost a Dr. Doolittle sense, like I could communicate with them.

To illustrate, I will share a true story. A few years ago my golden retriever Duffy told me there was a snake in my back yard. He looked at me, then at the ground by the tree, then jumped back like a snake struck at him. I responded “A snake?” Duffy then ran to the rock wall and looked under the wall. I responded ” The snake is under the wall?” Duffy then began vigorously digging to try to enlarge the hole, which was impossible because of the rocks.

The following evening I killed a Copperhead there, when it came out from under the rock wall. Had Duffy not told me, I would not have been watching for it and perhaps might have been bitten. I have always had this sense of being able to communicate with my animals, not just dogs, but dogs are my best animal friends.

Me, age 9, with my first dog. A neighborhood family had moved and left her behind. She came home with me and when no one ever returned for her, we kept her.